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Variador Polini Hi-Speed Ref : POL00034A / 1016870

Precio venta recomendado : 235,94 €
212,35  IVA incluído
Precio con código MBZ24
Bajo pedido
Añadir a mi cesta 212,35 €

DescripciónVariador Polini Hi-Speed

Icône de flèche inversée
Detalles productos :

Patented specialized auto-lubrification system ensures exceptional performance and output, at the same time as maximum reliability. Thanks to a new rotation system, acceleration and pick-up are improved. Technical features: The bushing is made from special case-hardened tempered and ground chromed-nickel steel. It stands out with its large-capacity inner housing, which holds a lubrification tank, inside of which a special spring ensures constant axle grease distribution, even in the most difficult usage conditions. Specially treated inner roller tracks minimise friction

Información técnica :
POL00034A / 1016870

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Icône de flèche inversée
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Icône de flèche inversée