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Amortiguador Bitubo WMB03 Twin Rear Shock Absorbers - Black YAMAHA 500 SR 500 - 1978 - 1995 Ref : BITU00279A / 1043569

Precio venta recomendado : 438,60 €
364,04  IVA incluído
Precio con código PRIM24
Bajo pedido
Añadir a mi cesta 364,04 €

DescripciónAmortiguador Bitubo WMB03 Twin Rear Shock Absorbers - Black

Icône de flèche inversée
Detalles productos :

BITUBO is an Italian manufacturer of forks, shock absorbers and steering dampers for motorcycles and maxi-scooters. WMB 02/03 type twin shock absorbers optimise riding comfort of your motorcycle through improved shock absorption thanks to nitro gen-pressurised single-cylinder hydraulic system technology.

Información técnica :
BITU00279A / 1043569
Homologué tÜv

Motos compatibles

Icône de flèche inversée
YAMAHA 1 modelo compatible
Icône de flèche inversée

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Icône de flèche inversée